On Ground and Underground Pipelines
Year of Application : 2013
Description of Job work :
Thermal Spray Aluminium Coating (TSAC) Application performed over pipelines of INDIAN STRATEGIC PETROLEUM RESERVES LIMITED(ISPRL), Udupi. ISPRL has built a underground Crude Storage reservoir, all the pipelines for the projects were coated with TSAC for preventing pipeline surface from corrosion. TSAC provides a very high corrosion protection. Pipelines were installed on ground as well as underground also.
Steel Grit Blasting for surface preparation and TSAC by Arc Spray Technology. Coating thickness provided was 250 microns.
Life Expected : More than 15 Years where paint gives a life of less than 3 years.
Offshore Platform Coating
Year of Application : 2015
Description of Job work :
Thermal Spray Aluminium Coating (TSAC) Application performed over Structures of ONGC Offshore Platforms. Offshore Platforms are situated into the sea, it is a C5 corrosive area with high amount of moisture and saline environment. TSAC provides a very high corrosion protection in atmosphere having high humidity and salt.
Copper Slag Blasting for surface preparation and TSAC by Arc Spray Technology. Coating thickness provided was 250 microns.
Life Expected : More than 15 Years where paint gives a life of less than 1 years.

Structure Coating
Year of Application : 2015
Description of Job work :
Thermal Spray Zinc Coating (TSZC) Application performed over Structures of Chemical & Fertilizer Company. The location of plant is in area where there is high rainfall, we have coated all the structure of the Chemical Plants with TSZC to protect structure from corrosion due to high amount of humidity and Chemical in environment.
Copper Slag Blasting for surface preparation and TSZC by Arc Spray Technology. Coating thickness provided was 100 microns.
Life Expected : 10-15 Years where paint gives a life of less than 2 years.
Wind Mill Bearing Bearing Coating
Year of Application : 2015
Description of Job work :
Thermal Spray Zn/Al (85/15) Coating (TSZn/AlC) Application performed over Offshore Wind Mill Bearings of SKF. The bearing coated with TSZn/AlC are used in the wind mills which are installed in Offshore condition. It is a C5 corrosive area with high amount of moisture and saline environment. TSZn/AlC provides a very high corrosion protection in atmosphere having high humidity and salt.
Steel Grit Blasting for surface preparation and TSZn/AlC by Arc Spray Technology. Coating thickness provided was 150 microns+2 Coat Paint
Life Expected : SKF provides guarantee for more than 30 Years for the bearing with TSZn/AlC.